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파워빌더 12 Public Beta 2 발표(2009/12/22)

by 아유카와 2010. 2. 8.

PowerBuilder 12 Public Beta 2

Software refresh: 12/22/09

Please read the following instructions to install the PowerBuilder 12 Beta software.  Please also note that this is a Beta, meaning a pre-release version of PowerBuilder, so some functionality may not be working properly.

Download PowerBuilder 12 Beta 2 and supporting tools

PB 12 Beta Installation Instructions
To install PowerBuilder, you must download the Common Installer.zip file first, and then extract its contents to install PowerBuilder 12 Beta. You cannot install PowerBuilder from the setup file in the PowerBuilder directory extracted from PowerBuilder12.zip.

PowerBuilder 12 Feature Description
Beta Testing Guideline
PowerBuilder.NET Features Guide updated

For the PowerBuilder 12 Beta program, Sybase will be using a new web based newsgroup, which can be accessed by copying and pasting this URL into your web browser’s address field: http://pb-beta.sybase.com

Instructions for accessing the PowerBuilder 12 Beta Newsgroup